Information About Studying Abroad

Living abroad is an education in and of itself that prepares you for life. Europe is the world’s biggest economic block, and Britain is its “Gateway to Europe.” Studying in Britain is a great way to get valuable foreign living experience. It has a good education system that works well with Malaysia’s system, and it offers specialized degrees that are guaranteed to be of high quality and are recognized internationally by professionals. there are degree programs that might include paid, controlled work experience you can work part-time while you’re in school and stay in the UK for a while after you graduate. You can meet, study, and network with people from all over the world. You’ll have access to free medical care and a caring, supportive community. Most international students who apply by the deadlines will be guaranteed housing for at least the first year. You can find out more about each of these things on this page. Together, they make a British first degree very good value for money and the chosen source of graduates for 70% of employers. (AC Nielsen Poll 1999).
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Length of time Degrees can be classified as either “ordinary” or “honours” level. institutions in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland provide ‘honours’ degrees upon completion of a three-year study, but Australian institutions only grant a ‘ordinary’ level degree after three years. Studying in Britain offers better value for money. There are a few exceptions to this, as several fields necessitate a lengthier duration of study, beyond three years, in order to attain professional recognition. Examples include Chartered Status Engineers, Medicine, and Veterinary Science. Scottish school kids adhere to a distinct system, similar to that of Australia, whereby they apply to universities after completing just one year of sixth form education. Scottish degree courses typically require 4 years to complete, culminating in a ‘Honours’ degree. Overseas students who demonstrate a high level of ability, especially in science and engineering, may be eligible for advanced standing, allowing them to go forward to the second or third year of their degree program. This offers good value for their investment. Postgraduate students should be aware that most Masters courses in the UK have a duration of one year, which is shorter compared to the two-year duration in certain other nations. This greatly diminishes the expense of specialized education, while still providing the additional aspect of the international encounter.
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Accreditation/recognition The demanding standards established by the several British professional organizations are highly acknowledged, internationally recognized, and extensively embraced in Malaysia. Therefore, students who have an interest in highly competitive fields such as Medicine, Law, and Engineering are aware that their qualifications will be acknowledged and esteemed upon their return to Malaysia for professional activity. MABECS offers current information on all degrees recognized within Malaysia, as well as the eligibility criteria for professional organizations in the country.
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High standard or level of excellence. The British Government and universities invest significant resources to uphold the overall standard of British education. The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) is responsible for evaluating universities, their departments, and their teaching techniques to ensure that there is equal quality of education and adherence to best practices throughout the sector. This ongoing evaluation guarantees that the credentials and expertise you acquire in the UK will effectively equip you for a promising and successful future.
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Career Experience British institutions have been at the forefront of integrating academic coursework with practical work experience. These programs, sometimes referred to as Sandwich Year programs, are offered in several fields such as Accounting, Law, Engineering, Computing, and more. The work programs in industry or commerce are mutually agreed upon by the employer and the university, and are overseen by the university to ensure their pertinence and benefit to the student. This experience provides an additional understanding of their field of study, while also offering a competitive salary and improving job prospects. Employment on a part-time basis As a student enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate program at a UK university, you are permitted to work part-time for up to 20 hours a week. This is an advantageous method of acquiring supplementary funds. It is important to keep in mind that your primary focus during your time in the UK should be on your studies. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid taking on excessive part-time job that could distract you from your academic pursuits.
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British universities have been welcoming international students for more than a century. Consequently, they possess extensive expertise in assisting pupils in acclimating and comprehending the culture and environment of their new residence. The International Offices of universities play a crucial role in aiding this process.

There is a wide range of clubs and societies that engage in various activities, including vibrant Malaysian Societies, which provide excellent opportunity for reconnecting with acquaintances and forming new friendships.


Networking refers to the practice of establishing and maintaining connections between individuals or groups for the purpose of exchanging information, resources, or support.
UK universities have a diverse and extensive international student body, resembling a miniature version of the United Nations. This offers numerous benefits, such as providing you with the chance to establish connections between diverse cultures.

You have the advantage of being able to obtain a deep understanding of various backgrounds, values, and attitudes, which is a highly desirable job. Each of these events holds educational value, and certain connections and friendships may develop into lasting bonds.


Medical insurance is not required while studying in the UK. If you are enrolled in a full-time course that lasts for more than 6 months, you are entitled to receive free medical and hospital treatment through the National Health Service (NHS).

You will likely be required to pay a regular fee for medications prescribed by a physician. However, you, along with your spouse and children if they are present, are provided coverage under the system.

Typically, colleges provide a medical facility exclusively for students on campus. Additionally, the International Office and the Students’ Union offer various support services to assist you in case of any unforeseen issues.


Furthermore, the weather is also an issue of concern.
The British are reputed to engage in constant discussions over the weather. Due to its location in the Northern Temperate Zone and the significant effect of the Atlantic and the Gulf Stream, the weather in this region is characterized by variability and precipitation. However, it is not as hot or cold as Australia, North America, or continental Europe. After acclimating, many Malaysians perceive the climate in the UK to resemble ubiquitous air-conditioning. To clarify, it is ideal for both academic pursuits and maintaining a hectic and dynamic lifestyle.

There are differences in the application procedure between graduate and undergraduate programs.

Undergraduate Studies

Questions & Answer guideline

Is using UCAS for application mandatory?

No, but certain universities will only accept applications submitted through UCAS.

Indeed, all UCAS applications for admission to UK universities have to be submitted electronically through You can submit this electronic application with the assistance of a consultant at the Pathfinders Consultancy office.

International applicants can usually submit their applications through UCAS between September of the year before their year of entry and June 30 of that year.

This day does, however, have a few significant outliers; these are listed below.
Are the dates listed above subject to any exceptions?


Applications for these courses must be submitted by October 15 of the year before the year of enrollment for Art & Design courses. There are two ways to apply to art and design courses. Kindly get in touch with Pathfinders Consultancy for additional details.

On your UCAS form, you can usually include up to five options, but you can use Pathfinders Consultancy to apply to as many universities as you’d like.

Definitely! We will be pleased to talk with you about and assist you with your application. We will also be in a position to offer you comments on your personal statement.

Sure, for further information, visit

Postgraduate Studies

Through Pathfinders Consultancy, postgraduate applications can be sent directly to each university. The majority of universities now accept online applications; your Pathfinders Consultancy counselor can help you with this. If necessary, you can also send your supporting documents to the universities through MIM Study Abroad; in your online application, please designate Pathfinders Consultancy as your agent in Bangladesh.

If you are able to locate courses that meet your requirements, you are free to apply to as many universities as you choose.

Nonetheless, after determining which universities and courses are the most appropriate, it is customary to submit three to five applications.

Dates of Applications

Applications for postgraduate courses often do not have “closing dates” or deadlines, though some universities do recommend April or May of the year of entrance as the latest dates.

Popular courses could “fill up” quite early in the academic year.

Your chances of being accepted into the university of your choice are better the earlier you apply.

Application Processes

After completing your application, each application form must have the following documents enclosed with it:

All diploma, degree, and transcript copies must be certified.
A letter of sponsorship or financial assurance, if one is available
two appropriate referees’ letters, each on original letterhead
Evidence of fluency in the English language
passport page with biodata
Additional papers, such as a resume or personal statement
Online Programs

An online application form can now be found on many university websites.

Should you choose to submit an online application:
Save a copy of your reference number or application form.
Recall that your online application needs to be followed up with the previously mentioned supporting documentation.
Please designate Pathfinders Consultancy as your representative in Bangladesh when submitting your online application.
In addition to helping you through the procedure, your Pathfinders Consultancy counselor might be able to submit an online application on your behalf.
Until these supporting documents are obtained, the university won’t make a decision.
Your supporting documentation can be sent to Pathfinders Consultancy, and it will be forwarded to the university.